Some of the things in life #TeamSharpHat can’t get wait to go back to when #SocialDistancing is a thing of the past. Our list could be endless…but, in the effort to not list every aspect of life, highlights are below!
What do the people of SharpHat miss about non-quarantined life?
“Sports; and going out to restaurants vs. staying home to eat every night” – Nick
“Visiting family and friends” – Andrew G.
“Family, school drop-off and pickup, extracurriculars for my kids!” – Meg
“Get my sanity back!” – Vadim
“Visiting the grandkids and going to the gym” – Henry
“Less stress” – Shivani
“Starbucks runs!” – DJ
“Training Ju-Jitsu” – Xavier
“Baseball!” – Mike
“Normal routine and my kids’ activities” – Kathy
“Interaction with people other than my family!!!” – Bernie
“Being at school!” – Nick Jr.
“Seeing and physically spending time with my family and friends” – Lisa
“Seeing my family mostly, and not having to think about meals like The Pioneer Woman every day” – Carol
“Interacting with other human beings in person and without worrying about getting a fatal infection” – Cy
What can’t you wait to get back to in life / outside the confines of your home? Comment or reach out to us – we may just add it to our own list!